Wow hasn't the weather turned now it is August? I don't mean rain, but there is a definite chill in the air. I do think nowadays that summer is May, June and July and August is preparation for autumn.
Anyway I thought i'd let you now what I got up at the beginning of August on my birthday.
My Mum made me an awesome Freddo and chocolate finger cake. I do love Freddo's. Infact i have been given a whole box (the type you get at the wholesalers) for my birthday in the past!
On the Saturday night my friend Becca and I, who shares the same birthday as me, had a fancy dress night out in town. I went as a hula girl:
Giving it a little shake, am I hula hooping or trying to catch a wave, who knows?
On the Sunday was my surprise. My family had clubbed together and bought me a ticket to The Harry Potter Studio Tour in London! So on Sunday my sister and I traveled down to Watford on the train. (Anyone else done the East Midland train to London? Sloooowest train in the world I reckon ;) We ate at an American diner before hand and below is the amazing shake I had. Made with blended skittles and blue sauce (whatever that is) it tasted delicious.
Onto to Harry Potter and the place was pretty cool. We (meaning I) spent far too long in the first section which showed various sets and costumes meaning we had to rush round the second half. I did take rather too many photo's like I always do. So much so that I need to go again so that I can actually take it all in this time!
I would say my favourite set was the potions classroom and the best surprise was the model of the castle at the end, I think my jaw dropped open. (Though I was pretty surprised when I found out about Hagrid/Robbie Coltrane) In the shop I bought a Marauders Map mug which I managed to break before I even got home! I am saving up for a scarf and some Hogwarts gloves the next time I go.
What a brilliant weekend, thanks friends and family :)