I'm in Grazia!

A couple of weeks ago I got to do something a little bit special. A little out of the ordinary for plain old me, something that gave me a peek into a completely different world. I went down to London for a photo-shoot with Grazia!


Grazia shoot in London panic button age

It all came about after responding to a #prrequest on twitter, little did I know it would lead to this though!

The article is all about reaching your panic button age, the age where you start freaking out and questioning life and I was the case study for the age 28.

Grazia shoot in London panic button age

Going down from Huddersfield, the journey was actually a lot better than i'd anticipated and is easily doable for a day trip. (Though the train price may make you reconsider this!). I was so nervous about the shoot and had a proper freak out on my whatsapp chat. After all, everyone else appeared to be Londoners working in that field and I was just little old me from up north.

But it all went swimmingly. I had my hair and make-up done, put on some exceedingly tight skinnies, did a bit of awkward posing and listened to the stylists gossip from working at the Brits.

Grazia shoot in London panic button age

Grazia shoot in London panic button age

After the shoot, instead of going straight home, I made the most of the trip and rocked up to the box office of the Phoenix Threate an hour before show-time and bought a ticket for Bend it Like Beckham.

Little tip: DON'T BUY A FRONT ROW DAY SEAT. Could hardly see anything from the actors waist down or any of the sets. I was so annoyed at myself that i'd gone for the cheaper option. Got to see the actors uncomfortably close-up though so there was that.

After buying the ticket I literally stood outside and browsed my phone for nearby cheapish hotels, eventually settling on the Holiday Inn Bloomsbury. Bare in mind it was now 6.40pm, googlemaps said the hotel was a 25 minute walk away and I had to get there, check-in, freshen up and walk back for the show starting at 7.30.  Yeah, that was a bit of a rush. I don't think i'll be booking things that late again!

From what I could see though the musical was awesome, especially the musical numbers, it's a shame it has now finished. I'll have to dig out my dvd this weekend and re-watch the film.

Grazia shoot in London panic button age Bend it Like Beckham musica

After checking out the next day, I came across the Brunswick Shopping Centre on my way to Euston. The place amazed me. Built in the 60's it's a huge apartment block with flats that slope outwards but with an upmarket outdoor shopping centre in the middle of the apartment block. It also had one of those fancy Curzon cinemas. The whole place literally blew my mind!

Last thing before the train home was trying to find somewhere to brunch. Could I find anywhere with something I wanted though? No. Settled for a Boots meal deal in the end! I did spot Kym Marsh though on her way to Saturday Night Takeaway so there is that.

Before I knew it I was back in Huddersfield, in my little flat wondering what the heck just happened!

If you want to see the article, it's in this weeks Grazia and should be out until Tuesday, it's well worth a read! ;)

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